Onderzoek naar de impact van corona op sekswerk in Nederland
Last week during our ‘online new year’s gathering’ we celebrated the societal impact of the work of Marielle Kloek.
Marielle is a PhD student at our department, who studies topics such as HIV, sexual health and sex work. She assessed how sex workers experience the corona pandemic: What is the impact of the measures on their work, health and safety?
Answers to these questions can be found this report: https://www.soaaids.nl/files/2021-12/Rapport_Onderzoek_impact_Corona_Sekswerkers.pdf
We are very proud of Marielle, not only for producing this report, but also for getting into contact with several politicians about the situation of sex workers during the corona pandemic. Her efforts have paid off. After reaching out to the politicians, sex workers were regularly mentioned during press conferences and their situation was taken into account.